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See the BIBAK Constitution below

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We, from the Phillippine provinces of Benguet, Ifugao, Bontoc, Apayao, and Kalinga (BIBAK) are collectively known as Igorots or Cordillerans residing in Texas, United States of America. We recognize the need of close association in order to preserve our cultural heritage and collectively attain our goals and group objectives and hereby promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.



Section 1: The name of this association is Benguet Ifugao Bontoc Apayao Kalinga, Inc, a Non Profit 501 C-3, Tax Exempt Organization (EIN 82-1129494, DLN: 26053643003667).

Section 2:  The place of registration of this association is in the County of Harris, State of Texas. 

Section 3: This association was organized exclusively for cultural, educational, charitable, voluntary, non-sectarian and non-profit associations.


Section 1: Regular members are those who were born or resided in the BIBAK provinces, their spouses and children, and who are now residents of the State of Texas.

Section 2: Associate members are those who do not fall under the category of regular membership but subscribe to the purpose of the constitution and by-laws of the association.

Section 3: Honorary members are deserving individuals recommended and approved by the Executive Board.

Section 4:  Membership shall be accomplished by filling appropriate forms and paying annual dues. Memberships shall be subjected for review and approval of the Executive Board.


Section 1: The members shall determine annual dues during the general meeting.

Section 2: The association may accept donations and contributions subject to the requirements of pertinent laws and regulations.

Section 3: No part of the net earnings of the association shall inure the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article I, Section 3. The association shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this association.

Section 4: The sources of funds of the association shall be from annual dues, contributions, donations and fund raisings. The auditor shall audit such funds at the end of each calendar year. 

Section 5: The Treasurer shall deposit all funds to a checking and/or savings account in a bank or trust company approved by the Executive Board. Disbursements are to be made by checks and shall be signed by the Treasurer or Secretary authorized by the President. Disbursement of funds in the amount of $500.00 or more shall be countersigned by the President or in his absence, the Vice-President.


Section 1: The Executive Board is the policy-making body for the internal government of the association which is composed of seven (7) members elected by the regular members of the association in its meeting called for the purpose. Out of its composition, the following officers shall be elected in the second year of the two (2) year tenure: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Business Manager, Public Relations Officer and Auditor. The Secretary may nominate an Assistant Secretary and the Treasurer may nominate an Assistant Treasurer to assist them in their duties for approval by the Executive Board. Each Province of the Cordillera Region shall be represented by the Board of Governors appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 2: The tenure of members of the Board will be two (2) years with non-consecutive of two (2) terms in a lifetime.

Section 3: The tenure of the officers starts on the first day of January after election.
Section 4: Election of members of the Executive Board will be in the fourth quarter of the second year of each term.
Section 5: All members (associate, regular and honorary) are qualified to vote. 

Section 6: Only regular members can be elected into office.
Section 7: The duties of the officers shall be:

7a:  The President shall preside over all meetings, appoint various committee chairpersons, call special meetings, sign official documents for the organizations, delegate and assign duties to other officers and members during the organizations activities. He should render an annual report regarding the state of the affairs of the association to all members. In the event that no member expresses interest or willingness to run for any officer position, the current president shall be re-elected to serve for the next full term. The re-elected president shall have the authority to appoint new officers, subject to the approval of the current executive board, through an urgent meeting.

7b:  The Vice-President will assume the duties of the President in his absence and perform duties delegated to him by the President. In case of death, absence or disability of the President, he shall assume and discharge all duties and functions of the President.
7c: The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the meetings of the organization, keep on file all committee reports, keep the organization’s membership roll, notify officers, committee members of their appointments and furnish them with whatever documents are required for the performance of their duties, have on hand at each meeting a list of all existing committees and their members, maintain record books in which the By-Laws, special rules of order, standing rules and minutes are recorded including amendments, have the current record books on hand at every meeting and send out to each member a notice of each meeting as directed by the President.

7d:  The Treasurer shall have custody of and be responsible for all funds of the organization and shall deposit savings and income in such depositories as directed by members; responsible for paying all properly documented bills, keeping all the books of accounts of all business transactions, preparation of a full report to be presented at all regularly scheduled meetings and to the general assembly and arranging for a qualified and proper annual audit; render to the president upon request a statement or report of the finances of the organization.
7e:  The Business Manager shall be in charge of conducting business activities of the organization as directed by the President.
7f:  The Public Relations Officer shall be the liaison man of the association to the Press and related bodies and shall be Editor-in-Chief of the association’s publication or newsletter.
7g:  The Auditor shall make audit of the financial records of the association, shall attest by his or her signature his or her approval of all financial reports of the Treasurer and shall perform such other functions as may be assigned to him or her by the Executive Board.
7h: The above mentioned duties act as a guide including other matters that may be assigned from time to time by the President or as agreed upon by the Executive Board

SECTION 8: When vacancy is created in any office due to resignation or otherwise, the Board shall appoint a regular member to fill up the vacancy for the unexpired term of such office. 


Section 1: The Executive Board shall comprise of the officers (board and appointed officers), which is the governing body of the association.

1a:  The Executive Board shall manage the affairs of the association conformance with the provisions of the By-Laws.
1b:  The Executive Board shall hold a regular meeting once every three (3) months at the place designated by the Board. Special meetings may be held as may be called for by the President.
1c:  The officers shall not receive any compensation for their services as officers of the association. The Board shall approve the compensation of all services hired by the organization in carrying out its business affairs.


Section 1: A Board of Advisors shall be created to act as advisory body to the association.

Section 2: The Board of Advisors shall be composed of four (4) registered members appointed by the Executive board.

Section 3: The Board of advisors shall consist of four (4) individuals that are registered with the organization to be appointed by the current board of officers.

Section 4: The Board of Governors shall represent each of the 5 provinces of the Cordillera Regions (Benguet Ifugao, Bontoc, Apayao and Kalinga Provinces) and shall assist in the implementation of activities, plans and projects of the organization.


Section 1: There shall be two (2) general meetings to be held in each year.

Section 2: The Executive Board as deemed necessary may call meetings of the association’s officers, committee members, governors and advisors.


Section 1: Committees, which will be necessary for the association to fulfill its goals, may be created.
Section 2: Appointed officers of the association shall serve for two (2) years from the date of appointment or to the end of the term of the appointing Executive Board, whichever comes first.

Section 3: The association shall adopt an official seal and logo. 


The rules contained in the latest edition of the Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern the conduct of business of this association in all cases in which they are applicable as long as they are consistent with this Constitution and By-Laws.


In the event the association is dissolved, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes Within the meaning of Section 501 c(3) of the Internal revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so dispose of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such association or associations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


Any provision of this Constitution and By-Laws, which contravenes or is in conflict with any rule, regulation of laws of the State of Texas or Federal Laws of the United States of America is null and void.


These By-Laws may be adopted, amended or repealed at any General Meeting by majority vote in a quorum consisting of at least two-thirds of the membership present at a general meeting. Such a proposal must be formally presented to the Executive Board prior to the General Meeting.


Section 1: Impeachment – any member of the Executive Board may be removed from office by impeachment by two-thirds of the membership present at a general meeting on the following reasons:

1a:  Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws.
1b:  Non-performance of duties
1c:  Conduct detrimental to the association.

Section 2: Termination of Membership – Any member can be terminated on the following reasons:

2a:  Non-payment of dues for two (2) consecutive years.
2b:  Conduct detrimental to the association.

*** New Amendments added to the Bi-laws were made in ARTICLE IV – OFFICERS, DUTIES AND TENURE, Section 7A: 

“In the event that no member expresses interest or willingness to run for any officer position, the current president shall be re-elected to serve for the next full term. The re-elected president shall have the authority to appoint new officers, subject to the approval of the current executive board, through an urgent meeting.”

*** Corrections to change the term from 3 years to 2 years were made in ARTICLE IV – OFFICERS, DUTIES AND TENURE, Section 2 and 4. 

These amendments of the Constitution and By-Laws were approved by executive board officers at an urgent online meeting over Zoom on the 3rd of December 2024. 

Lilian Diego - President

Lyka Amomoy - Treasurer

Edgar Malicdan - Auditor

Edgar Gaamas - Press Relations Officer

Queenie Lacaben - Assistant Secretary

Benguet Ifugao Bontoc Apayao Kalinga Inc. Officers: 2023-2025

Lilian Diego - President

Lee Rigos - Vice President

Merlyn Danao - Secretary

Queenie Lacaben - Assistant Secretary

Lyka Amomoy - Treasurer

Edgar Malicdan - Auditor

Peter Caburao - Business Manager 

Edgar Gaamas - Press Relations Officer

BIBAK - California <ll> BIBAK - Philippines <ll> BIBAK - Switzerland <ll> BIBAK - Texas

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